Some precious teachings from Saint Avvaiyar’s Aathichudi

tamil saint avvaiyar

ஆத்திசூடியை உலகறியச் செய்வோம்…!!! 1. அறம் செய விரும்பு / 1. Learn to love virtue. 2. ஆறுவது சினம் / 2. Control anger. 3. இயல்வது கரவேல் / 3. Don’t forget Charity. 4. ஈவது விலக்கேல் / 4. Don’t prevent philanthropy. 5. உடையது விளம்பேல் / 5. Don’t betray confidence. 6. ஊக்கமது கைவிடேல் / 6. Don’t forsake motivation. 7. எண் எழுத்து இகழேல் / 7. Don’t despise

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Who was Saint Agastya?

saint agathiyar

Known as the first Siddhar of the world, his abode was Mount Podhigai, the home of the great Lord Muruga. Here, the Lord is said to have blessed him with powers to heal others and also to be known as a great Siddhar who has attained “ashta siddhis”. He is said to have existed around 500 BCE and also to

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Celebrating Andal’s Birthday- Thiru Aadi Poora Utsavam

thiru aadi pooram

Thiru Aadi pooram is a very important festival celebrated by Tamil Iyengars and along with them, all communities to celebrate the birthday of Goddess Poetess Andal, who has written the very famous 30 sonnets of ‘Thiruppavai’. It is celebrated in various parts of Tamil Nadu in cities such as Srirangam and Srivilliputtur amongst others. This year’s Thiru aadi poora festival

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